When I first heard this song, I thought "Oh, maybe finally Thomas can actually stick to a genre (not techno) but still make it shitty?" I was wrong. After 20 seconds you went straight to techno and killed the little respect I had for you
When I first heard this song, I thought "Oh, maybe finally Thomas can actually stick to a genre (not techno) but still make it shitty?" I was wrong. After 20 seconds you went straight to techno and killed the little respect I had for you
You should reverse time
To a time when you never wrote any songs
You've delivered just what I would expect from you. A generic, extremely fast paced piano song based on Final Fantasy. Utter shit
You're so cool
How can i be as cool as you? 5min with a hangover? Seriously? 0. I literally shat out my mouth.
What can I say? Stop sitting with your finger up your arse and actually try next time. Seriously it sounds like you just stuck random shit together.
The same shit
Exactly the same as your other song, just with some shitty farting sound added part way through
Way too much going on.
Sounds like you're taking a violent shit or something. You know, I'm pretty sure techno doesn't need to be in any key.
Another shit song by the shittest "musician" on NG
What the hell have you done, it starts out slow and shitty with no rhythm and then it builds up to a shitty techno whatever-you-call-it. Seriously it's shit. The C major scale isn't used 90% of the time you idiot.
I didn't realize
that an orchestra consisted of a computer.
Oh My God
It is better than sex